Your Questions Answered!
Q -Does my business have to be in Grant County to join the Greater Grant County Chamber?
A- Greater Grant County serves businesses and organizations outside of Grant County. If you are doing business with anyone in Grant County, Greater Grant County can help you make connections with those who work and live here.
Q- If my employer is a Greater Grant County member-investor, can I take advantage of member benefits, too?
A- All employees of member-investor businesses can receive the weekly digital newsletter and attend networking events and professional development programs. Reach out to your employer or one of us here at Greater Grant County if you have any questions!
Q -Is Greater Grant County part of Grant County or any specific city in the area?
A -Greater Grant County is not a government entity. As a 501C(6), Greater Grant County is a non-profit organization that is fueled by member-investments to fund programming that serves member businesses and Greater Grant County community. The Greater Grant County Chamber is not a part of one city and serves businesses and organizations in all the cities and towns in Grant County. The main GGC office is located in downtown Marion, Indiana, with a satellite office on Main Street in Gas City, Indiana.
Q -How does Greater Grant County help me promote my business?
A -Greater Grant County includes all member-investors in our online directory on our website at www.gogreatergrant.org. GGC also facilitates relationships by providing many networking and sponsorship opportunities. Additionally, our weekly digital newsletter is sent to our entire membership with news, announcements, and events that pertain to our membership. Greater Grant County is also active on Facebook and Instagram and regularly promotes our member-investors by sharing good news, events, and opportunities.
Q- Our company doesn’t do any business locally. Why should we join Greater Grant County?
A - A company located in Grant County benefits from a healthy and thriving community. Not only do you have insight to share, but your investment supports the development and support of local business, by facilitating communication and recognizing shared missions. Greater Grant County directly benefits your business while serving as a champion for all of Grant County. The health of an inclusive community where people want to live directly benefits the well-being of your business.
Q - Our business is quite successful, what would be the benefit of joining Greater Grant County?
A – Your community needs you. Not only does GGC provide an avenue for you to share your insight to the benefit of all, but your member-investment enables Greater Grant County to enhance the business landscape while uniting communities. With your investment in Greater Grant County, you are developing and supporting local business, facilitating communication, and recognizing shared missions of the entire Grant County community. Your support helps foster an environment of equity and harmony while developing a vibrant, inclusive community where people want to live. An investment in Greater Grant County also supports local business, which directly increases tax revenue. That revenue increase benefits the entire business landscape and builds an environment conducive to additional business investment and citizenry. Essentially, your investment helps prevent a stagnant community by promoting healthy growth.